Tuesday, June 4, 2013

diy window muntins

i've been researching the best way to add some sort of grille design to our front windows, and stumbled on a few sites that suggested using pvc screen trim from home depot as it is cheap, durable, easy to cut and only 1/4 inch thick (so it won't interfere with the operation of the windows.)
the other day i suddenly decided i'd pondered enough. it was time to get some trim and silicone adhesive and see what happened. 

here was some of my inspiration from the Internet:

as you can see i wanted something different than the standard colonial style:

standard colonial muntins
here is our house before, with no window trim - just big dark windows.

first i tried doing only one piece of trim, but i didn't love this for our size/shape of window:

 so i went with two vertical pieces of trim, and here's the result!

this was one of my easiest projects - 10 minutes and a few bucks worth of trim. i love how the white trim balances the brick side of the house with the white screen porch. and unless you get your magnifying glass out, it's pretty hard to tell they aren't 'real' muntins.


  1. Good thing these aren't real muntins! It would've been harder to adjust the vertical trims then. The illusory kind is perfect for DIY projects. Looking at your house exterior now, I can say it is better. You'd probably have that kind of satisfaction when your guests notice that something improved, but can't quite pinpoint which part. :D
